About Us

The Bordeaux South Residents’ Association (BSRA) is a group of volunteers that work together to create a beautiful and safe suburb for all our residents. 

We are represented by a committee who are voted in by fellow residents annually. The BSRA committee initiates and leads security, beautification and community projects – projects that are only possible with your involvement and monthly levy contribution.

Acting on behalf of the residents, the committee believes in actively furthering everything that is necessary to preserve the character and atmosphere of our neighbourhood. It does so while safeguarding and promoting the interests of the residents.

As residents, we have been attracted to the suburb because of its unique leafy village-like character, its centralised location, the schools, the sports fields, the open spaces, the river and the overall ‘walkability’ of the area. It is the BSRA’s privilege to serve the community in furthering and preserving these features.

Your Committee

Grant Robinson
BSRA Committee Chairperson
and Environmental 

René Richards
BSRA Secretary 

Sheila Conquest
BSRA Treasurer
and Payments

Hilary Baker
BSRA Faults Escalations and Membership Management 

Myles Brassington
BSRA Security, Maintenance
and Repairs

Caroline Smith
BSRA Communications

Jennifer Ferreira
BSRA Communications

Jarrod McGorian
BSRA IT and Security


Important Documents

Communication Policy